Friday, October 17, 2003

Locke on Zaoui

Keith Locke has more to say about Ahmed Zaoui:

"The hearings being conducted by the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, Laurie Grieg, are a travesty of justice," said Mr Locke, the Green Foreign Affairs spokesperson.

"It is completely unacceptable for Mr Grieg to refuse to tell Mr Zaoui what the charges are against him, and to say that human rights considerations don't apply to his hearing.

"Secret hearings in which the accused has no chance to defend himself are the norm in China, Burma and Mugabe's Zimbabwe. They cannot be tolerated in a democratic society.

"Immigration Minister Lianne Dalziel must call a halt to these proceedings by withdrawing the Security Risk Certificate from Mr Zaoui. Under law she can do this at any time."

Hear, hear.